Table 2

Individual-level factors associated with intentions to quit smoking

nIntention to quit(%)Univariate analysisMultivariate analysis
OR95% CIOR95% CI
 Male448124.30.950.56 to 1.610.810.43 to 1.54
 25–3982825.40.810.41 to 1.610.950.43 to 2.11
 40–54233024.60.770.35 to 1.691.080.44 to 2.64
 ≥55148923.20.720.35 to 1.460.940.40 to 2.23
Household income per month
 Low (<¥1000)92322.8ReferenceReference
 Medium (¥1000–3000)212525.61.170.92 to 1.471.130.87 to 1.47
 High (≥¥3000)132325.51.160.87 to 1.541.290.94 to 1.77
 Don't know33916.60.670.46 to 0.990.920.55 to 1.57
 Medium308524.71.391.00 to 1.921.210.84 to 1.74
 High100427.31.601.10 to 2.321.290.83 to 1.98
Tried to quit within last year
 Yes77751.04.523.74 to 5.452.291.81 to 2.89
Longest time quit smoking
 Never quit221113.2ReferenceReference
 Less than 1 month102732.73.192.70 to 3.781.341.04 to 1.71
 1–6 months89336.83.842.66 to 5.531.911.39 to 2.61
 6 months or more54834.53.462.67 to 4.492.191.64 to 2.92
 Don't know3022.31.890.78 to 4.561.900.66 to 5.49
 0–643810.830.79 to 0.880.870.82 to 0.93
Outcome expectancy of quitting (benefit from quitting in the next 6 months)
 Not at all9427.3ReferenceReference
 A little152321.03.372.25 to to 3.25
 Very much160843.39.716.33 to 14.873.842.44 to 6.04
 Don't know6387.71.060.65 to 1.731.010.60 to 1.70
Worried about health in the future
 Not at all16348.5ReferenceReference
 A little197627.34.053.04 to 5.402.041.58 to 2.62
 Very much85349.510.597.96 to 14.093.362.32 to 4.88
 Don't know24913.61.700.99 to 2.921.540.85 to 2.76
Favourable attitudes about smoking
 Neither disagree nor agree45614.2ReferenceReference
 Agree259123.01.811.19 to 2.752.011.08 to 3.74
 Disagree158430.02.601.77 to 3.812.091.18 to 3.71
Overall opinion of smoking
 Neither good nor bad180013.6ReferenceReference
 Bad248034.93.422.87 to 4.071.701.33 to 2.16
 Good3156.40.440.27 to 0.720.660.40 to 1.09
  • Bold values indicate a significant difference at p<0.05.

  • HSI, Heaviness of Smoking Index.