Table 1

Characteristics of the participating students in relation to their tobacco habits

VariableTotal (N=4277), % (n)Ever smokers, % (n)Current smokers, % (n)Ever tombak* dippers, % (n)Current tombak* dippers, % (n)Use of other tobacco products, % (n)
 Women41 (1740)13 (222)2.7 (46)3.5 (60)2.1 (35)11 (185)
 Men53 (2270)33 (719)11 (251)13 (287)5.2 (116)12 (269)
 Missing6 (267)
Age in years
 ≤12 years7 (306)27 (76)7.3 (21)15 (43)7.1 (21)29 (82)
 13–15 years66 (2831)23 (622)6.4 (178)7.5 (209)2.7 (74)9.1 (245)
 ≥16 years21 (909)31 (268)11 (100)12 (106)6.6 (59)15 (131)
 Missing6 (231)
School grades
 Basic (8th)21 (902)20 (68)5.9 (52)7.4 (66)4.3 (38)17 (149)
 Secondary first37 (1595)25 (380)7.1 (111)8.4 (132)3.4 (53)11 (162)
 Secondary second34 (1461)28 (392)9.3 (132)10 (146)4.2 (60)10 (140)
 Missing8 (319)
Parents smoking
 None of them80 (3401)22 (725)7 (217)8 (281)4 (119)12 (377)
 Either of them17 (719)36 (246)12 (87)11 (77)5 (32)15 (102)
 Don't know2 (69)36 (23)11 (7)16 (11)13 (9)16 (10)
 Missing2 (88)
Parents dipping
 None of them82 (3510)24 (799)7 (238)8 (275)3 (112)12 (401)
 Either of them14 (597)29 (167)11 (65)14 (82)7 (38)14 (77)
 Don't know1 (39)46 (17)6 (16)6 (15)6 (15)11 (4)
 Missing3 (131)
Friends smoking
 None55 (2367)18 (416)4 (87)6 (149)2 (47)11 (259)
 Some or most41 (1751)33 (562)13 (220)13 (218)7 (113)13 (219)
 Missing4 (159)
Teachers dipping
 No52 (2212)18 (385)5.3 (115)6.5 (142)3 (66)14 (298)
 Yes44 (1896)33 (605)10 (190)12 (225)5 (93)11 (192)
 Missing4 (169)
  • * Local smokeless tobacco.

  • χ2 significance p≤0.01.

  • χ2 significance p<0.05.