Table 2

Smoking behaviour among Vietnamese men, Massachusetts, 1994

Among all respondents (n = 774)
Smoked in the past month33443.2
Smoked daily in the past month29638.3
Smoked some days, not in the past month10.1
Quit smoking cigarettes16120.8
Never smoked cigarettes27735.8
Among current smokers (n = 334)
Age started smoking on a regular basis (years)
Since started smoking regularly, cessation for ⩾1 years4312.9
Cigarettes smoked per day
Time from awakening to smoking first cigarette (minutes)
Social patterns of smoking
 Mainly with others12136.2
 Mainly alone9026.9
 Equally alone and with others12336.8
Cigarettes usually purchased
 By the pack21464.7
 By the carton11233.8
 Never buy51.5
Brand preference
 Other brand319.8
Perceived difficulty to quit cigarettes
 Don’t know257.5
Any serious cessation attempt in the past 15451.0
Number of serious cessation attempts: in Vietnam
Number of serious cessation attempts: in USA
Received health professional advice during last cessation attempt in USA2921.3
Use of health education materials during last cessation attempt in USA85.9
Recent quitters (past 5 years): where quit