Table 4

Normalised probit and ordinary least squares estimates for smoke-free workplace policies: selected demographic groups

SampleSample meanSmoke-free workplace
Sample sizeSmoke-free policyCurrent smokerCigarettes/ day4-150Current smoker probit (95% CI)Cigarettes/day4-150
(95% CI)
By race
Non-Hispanic white80 67947.00%25.55%20.2−0.062 (−0.071 to −0.053)−2.78 (−3.21 to −2.36)
 Non-Hispanic African American 7 99643.73%24.37%13.7−0.035 (−0.064 to −0.006)−1.50 (−2.74 to −0.26)
 Hispanic 5 23145.28%20.23%12.7−0.015 (−0.045 to 0.014)−2.91 (−4.70 to −1.13)
 Other race/ethnicity 3 85048.57%21.24%16.0−0.057 (−0.092 to −0.022)−1.37 (−3.35 to 0.62)
By age (years)
 18–2411 69639.33%24.90%16.5−0.078 (−0.100 to −0.056)−1.72 (−2.64 to −0.80)
 25–3943 04946.50%26.53%18.7−0.045 (−0.057 to −0.032)−2.32 (−2.84 to −1.80)
 40–6540 84248.91%24.01%20.8−0.062 (−0.074 to −0.049)−3.43 (−4.11 to −2.75)
By sex
 Male40 59939.90%26.11%21.2−0.059 (−0.065 to −0.043)−2.94 (−3.56 to −2.32)
 Female57 28351.52%24.21%17.9−0.054 (−0.065 to −0.043)−2.38 (−2.86 to −1.90)
By education (for age ⩾25 years)
 < High school 6 75129.70%40.79%20.1−0.056 (−0.093 to −0.020)−3.90 (−5.19 to −2.61)
 High school graduate29 07039.17%32.22%19.7−0.061 (−0.077 to −0.044)−2.86 (−3.45 to −2.27)
 Some college23 50449.48%25.92%18.9−0.061 (−0.078 to −0.044)−2.44 (−3.27 to −1.61)
 College graduate17 19357.78%14.10%18.2−0.040 (−0.056 to −0.024)−1.69 (−3.04 to −0.35)
By industry
 Wholesale and retail trade19 75630.35%30.48%19.4−0.079 (−0.097 to −0.061)−2.64 (−3.40 to −1.90)
 Manufacturing19 42632.82%29.80%20.7−0.058 (−0.078 to −0.039)−2.82 (−3.59 to −2.05)
 Transportation, common utilities,  communication 5 33746.77%25.41%20.1−0.058 (−0.094 to −0.022)−2.80 (−4.64 to −0.95)
 Medical services11 48073.28%22.80%17.4−0.010 (−0.041 to 0.022)−1.46 (−2.97 to 0.05)
 Finance, insurance, real estate 7 47954.49%20.99%17.6−0.052 (−0.080 to −0.025)−3.87 (−5.23 to −2.50)
 Other professionals18 21865.04%14.40%17.5−0.035 (−0.051 to −0.019)−3.02 (−4.31 to −1.74)
  • 4-150 Cigarettes/day models include smokers only in the sample.

  • CI, confidence interval.