Table 1

Sample characteristics (n=512)

ConditionStandardNo descriptorsPlainNon-femaleTotal
Sample size:n=141n=125n=122n=124n=512
Age, mean (SD)22.1 (2.1)21.8 (2.2)22.0 (2.2)22.0 (2.2)22 (2.2)
 White70.2% (99)73.6% (92)72.1% (88)74.2% (92)72.5 (371)
 Other29.8% (42)26.4% (33)27.9% (34)25.8% (32)27.5 (141)
 Under $C10 000 to $C29 99931.2% (44)27.2% (34)25.4% (31)27.4% (34)27.9% (143)
 $C30 000 to $C59 99929.8% (42)32% (40)33.6% (41)26.6% (33)30.5% (156)
 $C60 000 and upwards27.7% (39)32% (40)32.8% (40)32.3% (40)31.1% (159)
 Not stated11.3% (16)8.8% (11)8.2% (10)13.7% (17)10.5% (54)
Education level:
 Low22.7% (32)24% (30)30.3% (37)28.2% (35)26.2% (134)
 Medium22.7% (32)17.6% (22)18% (22)21% (26)19.9% (102)
 High54.6% (77)58.4% (73)51.6% (63)50.8% (63)53.9% (276)
Smoking status:
 Current smokers40.4% (57)39.2% (49)42.6% (52)43.6% (54)41.4% (212)
 Former smokers7.1% (10)8.8% (11)8.2% (10)6.4% (8)7.6% (39)
 Never smokers52.5% (74)52.0% (65)49.2% (60)50.0% (62)51.0% (261)
Cigarette smoking:*
 No. per day, mean (SD)11.2 (8.5)10.4 (9.2)9.4 (6.7)8.3 (7.0)9.8 (8.0)
Plans to quit smoking:*
 In next month17.7% (11)15.4% (8)10.4% (5)11.1% (6)13.9% (30)
 In next 6 months22.6% (14)32.7% (17)33.3% (16)27.8% (15)28.7% (62)
 Beyond 6 months40.3% (25)40.4% (21)47.9% (23)44.4% (24)43.1% (93)
 Not planning to quit19.4% (12)11.5% (6)8.3% (4)16.7% (9)14.4% (31)
  • Number in parentheses refer to sample sizes, except for age and cigarettes smoked.

  • * Among current smokers only.