Pages devoted to the various sections of “Tobacco Control”, 1992–1998

1992199319941995199619971998Total (%)
Editorials23222317152222144  (5.8)
Cover essay4771217101471 (2.9)
News analysis19192625182022149 (6.0)
Original articles1-151 751541441901291731971062 (42.8)
Special communications36144130401934214 (8.6)
Review articles891271753 (2.1)
The lighter side467666742 (1.7)
Play it again1331131471 (2.9)
Ad watch91517137121689 (3.6)
Industry watch211152341056 (2.3)
Web watch101525 (1.0)
Letters101051175957 (2.3)
Books131010599763 (2.5)
Special reports1991315111618101 (4.1)
Commentaries99106611354 (2.2)
Reports from WHO/UICC1213753444 (1.8)
Other1-160 30233826222033192 (7.7)
Total1-164 2923223623873233604352481 (100)
  • WHO = World Health Organisation, UICC = International Union Against Cancer.

  • 1-150 Excludes instructions to authors and foreign translations of abstracts.

  • 1-151 Includes four Brief Reports.

  • 1-160 Citations; Calendar of Events; 11 obituaries; six reports from world conferences on tobacco or health, the United States Food and Drug Administration, and the American Medical Association; four Speaking Personally articles; one “Video Watch” article; and one “case report”.

  • 1-164 For some columns the sum exceeds the total because partial pages were counted as whole pages for each section of the journal.