Table 4

Reported symptoms associated with nicotine dependence by the third interview among 95 subjects who had at any time smoked at least once per month, including 42 subjects who had progressed to daily smoking

Symptoms Number of subjects reporting this as their first symptom, n=95 (%) Total number of subjects reporting this symptom, n=95 (%) Range of completed weeks from the onset of monthly smoking to the onset of the first symptom, n=60 Median number of weeks from the onset of monthly smoking to the first symptom among 60 subjects reporting symptoms
Felt addicted18 (19)27 (28)−39 to 20218
Strong urge to smoke14 (15)37 (39)1 to 19928
Feeling nervous, restless, or anxious14 (15)38 (40)1 to 20246
Difficulty concentrating13 (14)30 (32)2 to 20932.5
Feeling irritable11 (12)38 (40)−19 to 20238
Unsuccessful quit attempt10 (11)27 (28)−4 to 20038
Hard to refrain from smoking where it is not permitted6 (6)20 (21)0 to 20233
Feeling sad, blue or depressed6 (6)17 (18)1 to 20230
Smoke now because it is really hard to quit0 (0)16 (17)17 to 22872.5