Table 2

Estimated total tobacco production waste, chemical wastes, and Toxics Release Inventory chemical abatement costs, United States and global, 1995

Cigarette production2-150 (million pieces)Total wastes2-151 (kg)Total chemical waste2-152(kg)Total cost for TRI chemical abatement2-153 (US$)
United States716 500292 794 22427 008 04152 139 701
Global5 535 0592 261 874 818208 640 754402 786 213
  • 2-150 Source: Table 1, United States Department of Agriculture.

  • 2-151 Source: United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare:A study of solid waste management in the tobacco products industry, extrapolated to 1995 production levels for United States and World from table 1.

  • 2-152 Source: Cummins 1970, inflated to 1995 production estimates from table 1.

  • 2-153 Source: Statistical record of the environment 1995 (TRI chemicals only), costs inflated from 1992 by consumer price index increase from 1992 to 1995.