Table 1

Government and tobacco industry tax/price increases, and key themes emerging from tobacco industry lobbying submissions, Ireland, 2000–2009

Tax/price increases (cents) after tobacco industry submissions
 Government tax increase01350250050802.721.5
 Tobacco industry price increases10211613102010102.323.5
 Tax element of tobacco industry increase476547440.88
Key themes from tobacco industry submissions
 Increasing price will increase the illegal trade+++++++++++++++++++++
 Ireland's taxes on tobacco are among the highest in the world++++++++++++++++++++
 Do not increase price in the forthcoming budget+++++++++++
 The impact of a high tobacco tax policy in the UK and illegal trade++++++++++++++++ncnc
 Loss of revenue to the State from cross border sales+ncnc+++++++++
 Critical comment from tobacco industry concerning previous year's price increase+±+±+ncncnc+nc
 Provision of own data on the extent of the illegal trade in Irelandncncncncnc++++++++++++++
 Tobacco price increases will impact disproportionately on poorer smokers+ncnc+++nc+++
 Tobacco price increases will impact negatively on inflation++++nc++ncncnc
 Benefit of a price differential between Ireland and Northern Irelandnc+++++ncncncnc
 Tobacco price increases will impact negatively on legal tradersncncncnc+nc++++
 Tobacco price increases will lead to increased sales to minors as illegal traders will not ask for proof of agencnc+ncncnc++ncnc
 Tobacco price increases will lead to increased internet salesncnc++ncncncncncnc
 Tobacco price increases will lead to increased wage demandsncnc+ncncncncncncnc
 Do not remove tobacco products from consumer price indexncnc+ncncncncncncnc
 Reduce value added tax on tobacco products+ncncncncncncncncnc
  • −/+ denote the strength and tone of comment with +++ indicating the highest degree of strength and tone of comment; nc, no comment.