Table 2

Cigarette smoking and other tobacco product use, girls and boys, aged 13–15 years, 1999–2008

RegionPercentage prevalence cigarette smoking, (susceptibility),* girlsPercentage prevalence cigarette smoking, (susceptibility),* boysPercentage prevalence other tobacco use, girlsPercentage prevalence other tobacco use, boys
WHO region
 Africa5 (14)14 (17)1112
 Americas15 (25)14 (23)712
 Eastern Mediterranean2 (14)7 (20)914
 Europe17 (33)21 (26)812
 South-East Asia2 (13)10 (16)713
 Western Pacific8 (13)19 (15)67
 Total7 (19)12 (19)812
  • Source: The Global Tobacco Surveillance System Atlas. CDC Foundation, Atlanta, GA, 2009.34

  • * Susceptibility: the absence of a firm decision not to smoke.

  • Includes pipes, waterpipes, cigar, smokeless tobacco, and bidis.