Year | Philanthropic organisation | Key Projects/Outcomes |
2007—Present | Bloomberg Initiative—Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids26 27 (Y Xi, S England, and E Yin, personal communication, 2012) | ▸ Increased media coverage of tobacco control issues by 27% between 2008–2010 ▸ Trained journalist to promote tobacco control issues ▸ Provided media advocacy training and legal workshops for government policy makers and lawyers ▸ Raised awareness of health risks of smoking with a multi-city pack warning campaign ‘I want to tell you because I love you’ (2011) ▸ Partnered with other international organisations to support the adoption of SF public place policies in China cities ▸ Support advocacy efforts that led to the Shanghai World Expo's organisation decision to return tobacco company donation ▸ Prevented a tobacco company-sponsored sports event |
2007—Present | Bloomberg Initiative—Johns Hopkins School of Public Health28 (S Tamplin and E Yin, personal communication, 2012) | ▸ Promoted the adoption and implementation of policies to ban smoking in public places, and to improve tobacco control capacity in 40 cities and 20 provinces ▸ Offered the US-based Global Tobacco Control Leadership Program |
2007—Present | Bloomberg Initiative—International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease26 (Y Lin, Q Gan, N Dong, H Liu, personal communication, 2012) | ▸ Supported public sector efforts to pass and enforce key policies
▸ Established tobacco control training programmes in selected universities |
2008—Present | Bloomberg Initiative— WHO (D Xiao, personal communication, 2012) | ▸ Created a SF hospital model for China and piloted the model in 40 hospitals ▸ Promoted a national effort to establish SF hospitals throughout China |
2007—Present | Bloomberg Initiative—World Lung Foundation(Y Chang and W Chen, personal communication, 2012) | ▸ Created eight mass media campaigns for China and partnered with organisations in China to promote the campaigns in various locations ▸ Launched a national media campaign (2012) |
2009—Present | Bloomberg Initiative—US CDC Foundation29 (S Asma, personal communication, 2012) | ▸ Partnered with China CDC to implement the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) (2010) and collected data on tobacco use and key tobacco control measures |
2008—Present | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—China Medical Board (J Koplan and L Chen, personal communication, 2012) | ▸ Promoted antitobacco control activities in its associated academic health science centre grantees
▸ Conducted research on economics and epidemiology of tobacco use ▸ Cosponsored an academic conference on tobacco control (2011) ▸ Supported a supplemental issue of Tobacco Control (2012–2013) |
2008—Present | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—Emory University Global Health Institute30 (J Koplan and P Redmon, personal communication, 2012) | ▸ Provided grant funds/training and technical assistance to 17 cities (Anshan, Bayannouer, Changchun, Changsha, Dalian, Hangzhou, Kelamayi, Luoyang, Nanjing, Nanning, Ningbo, Shanghai, Suzhou, Shanghai, Tangshan, Wuxi and Yinchuan to change tobacco use social norms
▸ Cosponsored academic conference on tobacco control (2011) ▸ Sponsored development of web-based China Tobacco Control Resource Center (2011) ▸ Published monthly electronic tobacco control newsletter |
2011—Present | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—China Red Cross | ▸ Provided support to universities, government and non-government organisations, and cities to change tobacco use social norms and ensure long-term political support for tobacco control in China |
CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; GATS, Global Adult Tobacco Survey; NGO, Non-governmental organisation; NIH, National Institutes of Health; SHS, secondhand smoke; SF, smoke-free; TB, tuberculosis.