Table 1

General information of the sample of 66 cigarette-related videos and 61 hookah-related videos

General informationCigarette-related videosHookah-related videosp Value*
Median (IQR)Median (IQR)
Length of video in seconds150 (83–224)92 (62–325)0.47
Number of views606 884 (63 726–1 408 240)102 307 (48 452–255 222)<0.001
Number of comments per 1000 views1.6 (0.6–3.2)2.5 (1.4–3.6)0.003
Number of ‘like’ designations per 100 reactions 91 (73–96)87 (73–93)0.39
  • * The Mann–Whitney U non-parametric rank-sum significance test was used.

  • Reactions in this context include ‘like’ and ‘dislike’. Thus, the median cigarette-related video had 91 ‘like’ for every nine ‘dislike’ designations, while the median hookah-related video had 87 ‘like’ for every 13 ‘dislike’ designations.