Table 4

Attributed cases and lifetime attributable risk of asthma initiation among never smoking servers due to SHS exposure at work in restaurants and bars in Minnesota and in US, 2004*

Number of restaurant and bar servers employed, 2004‡633002700590
Never smoking rate, 2004, %§52.5 (49.2, 55.8)57.6
Prevalence of current asthma among never smoking restaurant and bar servers, %¶3.8 (3.0, 4.6)3.8 (3.0, 4.6)
New asthma cases among never smoking restaurant and bar servers (Bns), cases/year**126 (104, 148)5 911 (4861, 6961)
Percentage of population covered by smoke-free restaurants and/or bars (1-pSHS), %††38.1 (35.2, 41.0)Restaurants: 74.5
Bars: 63.7
Relative risk of asthma initiation due to SHS exposure (RRSHS)‡‡2.16 (1.26, 3.72)2.16 (1.26, 3.72)
Population at risk, never smoking restaurant and bar servers (Prisk)33233 (31558, 34907)1555540
PAF of new asthma cases among never smoking restaurant and bar servers due to SHS exposure (PAFSHS), %41.8 (16.0, 67.6)24.0 (4.7, 43.3)
New asthma cases attributed to SHS exposure (ARSHS), cases/year53 (25, 80)1420 (449, 2390)
Annual attributable risk of asthma initiation due to SHS exposure (AARSHS), 10−61588 (542, 2635)913 (153, 1672)
Lifetime attributable risk of asthma initiation for restaurant and bar servers due to SHS exposure at work for 45 years (LERSHS), %7.2 (2.4, 11.9)4.1 (0.7, 7.5)
  • *Assessment of disease burden was conducted separately for waiters/waitresses and bartenders, but aggregated data were presented in this table to save space; PAFSHS, AARSHS and LERSHS were weighted estimates by population at risk.

  • †Except ‡ § ¶ ** †† ‡‡, all the other numbers were estimated according to equation 3 or 4; the CIs were estimated by propagation of uncertainties of reported parameters.

  • ‡Data from Occupational Employment Statistics, US Bureau of Labor Statistics.33

  • §Data from CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.25 ,26 The variance for never smoking rate of the US population was not reported.

  • ¶Current asthma was defined as having an asthma attack in past 12 months. Data are from CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) website of Work-Related Lung Disease (WoRLD) Surveillance System (see table 9–20 at; which presents the average prevalence of current asthma among never smoking employees aged 18 and over in eating and drinking places from 1997–2005.

  • **Estimated from * † ‡ and the assumption that the incidence rate of new asthma cases is 10% of prevalence of current asthma according to Rudd and Moorman.32

  • ††Data from Minnesota Adult Tobacco Survey report for Minnesota35 and from American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation websites for US3 (no variance reported). The coverage percentage was for May 2007 for Minnesota and for January 2011 for USA.

  • ‡‡Relative risk of asthma initiation related to workplace SHS exposure reported by Jaakkola et al.34

  • AR, attributable risk; LER, lifetime excess risk; SHS, secondhand smoke; PAF, population attributable fraction; RR, relative risk.