Table 4

Feelings when smoking and when using the pack in the company of others for fully branded pack and plain pack after 10 days

 Fully branded packPlain pack after 10 daysComparison
Mean* (SD)Mean (SD)t (p value)
Feelings when smoking with this pack
 Unsatisfying (1)/very satisfying (5)3.81 (0.70)2.96 (1.10)7.75 (<0.001)
 Unpleasurable (1)/pleasurable (5)3.91 (0.75)3.19 (1.10)−6.19 (<0.001)
Feelings about using the pack in front of others:
 Unembarrassed (1)/embarrassed (5)1.35 (0.80)2.35 (1.38)−6.98 (<0.001)
 Spreading a good (1)/bad (5) image of myself2.57 (0.96)3.09 (1.03)−4.20 (<0.001)
  • Significant results are in bold.

  • *Scale 1–5.