Table 3

Logistic regression analyses of support for tobacco control interventions

Removal of tobacco products from view (n=669)†No tobacco sales within 500 m of a school (n=628)Stores selling tobacco required to sell quit products (n=584)Stores selling tobacco should be licensed (n=623)Fewer stores selling tobacco products (n=648)No sales of tobacco products where alcohol is sold (n=581)
Independent variablesOR (Sig and CI)OR (Sig and CI)OR (Sig and CI)OR (Sig and CI)OR (Sig and CI)OR (Sig and CI)
Smoker status
 Daily smoker (n=289)
 Social smoker (n=75)2.91** (1.51 to 5.59)1.68 (0.84 to 3.33)1.72 (0.78 to 3.81)2.69** (1.36 to 5.34)9.31*** (4.69 to 18.49)4.70*** (2.36 to 9.38)
 Former smoker (n=62)5.08*** (2.60 to 9.91)2.32** (1.08 to 4.63)3.41** (1.37 to 8.48)4.78*** (2.34 to 9.76)24.57*** (11.07 to 54.55)15.09*** (7.08 to 32.15)
 Non-smoker (n=340)17.08*** (10.55 to 27.66)16.00*** (8.13 to 31.49)8.46*** (4.51 to 15.88)13.60*** (8.21 to 22.54)77.07*** (42.31 to 140.39)63.17*** (33.90 to 117.69)
 Female (n=359)
 Male (n=407)1.30 (0.87 to 1.93)0.95 (0.60 to 1.50)1.15 (0.70 to 1.88)1.29 (0.85 to 1.96)1.76** (1.08 to 2.85)1.29 (0.79 to 2.11)
 European/other (n=658)
 Māori/Pacific (n=51)0.73 (0.34 to 1.55)1.33 (0.56 to 3.13)1.28 (0.49 to 3.33)1.07 (0.49 to 2.36)1.41 (0.57 to 3.48)0.99 (0.40 to 2.43)
 Asian (n=57)0.86 (0.33 to 2.22)6.41* (0.83 to 49.45)No oppposition‡6.29** (1.41 to 28.19)3.89** (1.15 to 13.13)14.51** (2.93 to 71.87)
Age group
 Under 25 (n=79)
 25–44 (n=287)0.68 (0.31 to 1.50)1.53 (0.66 to 3.54)0.94 (0.37 to 2.38)1.11 (0.49 to 2.52)0.92 (0.40 to 2.15)1.73 (0.73 to 4.10)
 45–64 (n=268)0.42** (0.12 to 0.92)1.21 (0.52 to 2.79)0.92 (0.28 to 1.83)0.49* (0.22 to 1.10)0.62 (0.26 to 1.48)1.16 (0.48 to 2.80)
 65 and over (n=132)0.40** (0.17 to 0.95)1.11 (0.43 to 2.84)0.95 (0.33 to 2.73)0.47* (0.19 to 1.13)0.45 (0.17 to 1.22)1.73 (0.62 to 4.84)
  • *Coefficient significant at p<0.10, **Coefficient significant at p<0.05, ***Coefficient significant at p<0.001.

  • †Sample sizes vary for each analysis because numbers of respondents who gave a rating of zero (and who were removed from the analysis) differed.

  • ‡All Asian respondents either chose ‘0’ or positive values on the support scale.