Table 3

Product and health warnings perceptions for fully branded pack and plain pack after 10 days

 Fully branded packPlain pack after 10 daysComparison
Mean* (SD)Mean (SD)t (p value)
Product perceptions
 The tobacco tastes good4.26 (0.67)3.93 (0.80)−4.13 (<0.001)
 The tobacco tastes light3.29 (0.99)3.04 (1.06)2.08 (0.04)
 The tobacco is good quality4.20 (0.66)3.78 (0.89)4.92 (<0.001)
 The tobacco has high levels of tar2.95 (0.87)3.08 (0.86)1.33 (0.18)
 The tobacco is natural3.25 (1.01)2.62 (1.42)−4.17 (<0.001)
Health warnings perceptions
 They are credible3.66 (1.11)3.80 (1.11)1.20 (0.226)
 They make me think about the dangers of tobacco3.23 (1.15)3.78 (1.15)−4.60 (<0.001)
  • Significant results are in bold.

  • *Scale 1–5.