Table 1

Summary statistics*

Dummy variable for smoking0.276 (0.446)1 (0)0 (0)
Age (years)44.504 (15.916)41.378 (14.114)45.611 (16.337)
Monthly household total income (million won, nominal income)331.743 (715.431)311.253 (729.345)339.523 (729.345)
Male0.488 (0.500)0.88 (0.326)0.339 (0.473)
Female0.512 (0.500)0.12 (0.326)0.661 (0.473)
Rural area0.196 (0.397)0.196 (0.397)0.196 (0.397)
Marital status
 Married0.689 (0.463)0.654 (0.476)0.704 (0.457)
 Never-married0.206 (0.404)0.268 (0.443)0.182 (0.386)
 Divorced0.027 (0.163)0.041 (0.199)0.022 (0.147)
 Widowed0.072 (0.259)0.029 (0.168)0.088 (0.283)
Highest level of education
 Elementary school0.200 (0.400)0.131 (0.338)0.226 (0.418)
 Middle school0.106 (0.307)0.109 (0.311)0.104 (0.306)
 High school0.393 (0.489)0.452 (0.498)0.371 (0.483)
 College0.301 (0.459)0.308 (0.462)0.299 (0.458)
Occupational category
 Professionals, managers0.126 (0.331)0.136 (0.343)0.122 (0.327)
 White-collar0.088 (0.283)0.098 (0.298)0.084 (0.278)
 Service and sales0.145 (0.352)0.171 (0.377)0.135 (0.342)
 Agriculture and fisheries0.056 (0.230)0.055 (0.227)0.056 (0.231)
 Construction0.200 (0.400)0.31 (0.462)0.158 (0.365)
 Not holding a job0.385 (0.487)0.229 (0.42)0.444 (0.497)
Consumption of cigarettes (number of cigarettes per day)4.444 (8.422)15.551 (8.617)0 (0.000)
Duration of smoking (years)10.363 (13.708)20.997 (12.942)0 (0.000)
Price (real price, per pack of 20 cigarettes)2436.924 (300.593)2423.695 (309.293)2441.954 (298.593)
N54 16714 07140 096
  • *The means are weighted averages using the time-series sample weights that are provided by the survey.