Table 1

Characteristics of clients who registered with the mobile stop smoking service (SSS) compared with the standard SSS over the 6-month study period

Number (%) unless otherwise statedMobile SSS (N=811)Standard SSS (N=1856)p Value
 No540 (66.7)1324 (72.8)0.002
 Yes269 (33.3)494 (27.2)
 Male361 (44.5)856 (46.1)0.44
 Female450 (55.5)1000 (53.9)
Age, years
 Mean (SD)38.0 (14.3)42.0 (15.0)<0.001
White British
 No101 (12.6)332 (18.4)<0.001
 Yes702 (87.4)1475 (81.6)
 No798 (98.4)1807 (97.4)0.10
 Yes13 (1.6)49 (2.6)
Pays for prescriptions
 No623 (77.0)1412 (77.7)0.71
 Yes186 (23.0)406 (22.3)
Previous New Leaf use
 First-time user550 (67.8)1101 (59.3)<0.001
 Used before261 (32.2)755 (40.7)
MOSAIC group
 Families in low-rise social housing with high levels of benefit need (O)218 (27.3)473 (25.9)<0.001
 Residents with sufficient incomes in right-to-buy social housing (K)180 (22.5)314 (17.2)
 Lower income workers in urban terraces often in diverse areas (I)137 (17.2)227 (12.4)
 Young people renting flats in high density social housing (N)66 (8.3)232 (12.7)
 Owner occupiers in older-style housing in ex-industrial areas (J)48 (6.0)80 (4.4)
 Young, well-educated city dwellers (G)44 (5.5)206 (11.3)
 Elderly people reliant on state support (M)38 (4.8)118 (6.5)
 Other68 (8.5)179 (9.8)
Index of multiple deprivation
 Mean (SD)39.5 (13.7)39.7 (14.7)0.77
  • *Current or most recent job in past year classed as routine/manual occupation. Routine/manual is a primary outcome variable and all other variables are secondary outcome variables.