Table 2

Per cent change in agreement with five attitudes and beliefs about smokeless tobacco, before and after presentation of health warnings, across message themes

Harmful to health+10.4+12.6***+3.4+9.5**+7.9+10.7**+1.6+5.2+4.9+14.7***−4.9+11.2***+14.3*+18.7***−3.2+10.1**
Society disapproves+13.6***+14.0***0.0+10.0**+9.4*+5.0+9.6**+2.6+8.8*+11.2***+8.9*+10.4**+10.3*+22.9***+2.4+11.7***
Bad example for children+6.7+7.0*+3.9+7.9*+6.3+10.0**−8.9+8.7**+2.4+10.4**+5.2+11.9**+9.5+18.8***−6.4+8.7
Not acceptable for females+14.8*+5.6+2.4+7.7+8.6+2.8+15.7**−0.5+10.6+6.1−3.5+5.2+4.7+17.4***+2.7+4.2
  • Bolded items represent statistical significance, where the p value is <0.05.

  • Numbers in the table represent the difference in the percentages of respondents agreeing with the attitude/belief about smokeless tobacco before and after viewing health warnings. Positive numbers indicate an increase in negative attitudes and beliefs. McNemar χ2 tests were used to assess differences between percentages.

  • *Significant difference (at *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001) between percentages agreeing before vs after viewing warnings.

  • BD, Bangladesh; IN, India.