Table 3

Population demographics and smoking experiences among teens aged 13–17 years, special NYC CPPW YRBS 2010 and NYC YRBS 2013

% (95% CI)% (95% CI)
N=1708N=8814p Value
 Female50.2 (43.0 to 57.3)49.6 (46.0 to 53.2)0.865
 Male49.8 (42.7 to 57.0)50.4 (46.8 to 54.0)
 White13.9 (6.9 to 26.2)14.2 (11.2 to 17.8)0.954
 Black34.8 (23.8 to 47.6)30.3 (25.2 to 35.9)0.456
 Hispanic35.9 (28.2 to 44.3)38.1 (33.5 to 42.9)0.674
 Asian14.7 (8.5 to 24.3)15.9 (13.0 to 19.3)0.773
 Other0.7 (0.4 to 1.0)1.5 (1.2 to 1.8)0.001
Age, years
 13/1426.7 (19.3 to 35.6)27.1 (22.7 to 32.1)0.909
 1528.0 (22.9 to 33.7)28.5 (25.8 to 31.4)0.873
 1624.3 (18.1 to 31.7)24.5 (20.9 to 28.6)0.942
 1721.1 (14.5 to 29.7)19.9 (16.7 to 23.5)0.718
Current smoking7.3 (4.6 to 11.5)7.6 (6.5 to 8.9)0.854
Current cigar/illo use5.7 (3.9 to 8.3)7.1 (6.2 to 8.2)0.209
Current smokeless use3.5 (2.3 to 5.3)4.0 (3.3 to 4.9)0.502
Ever menthol cigarette use12.1 (8.6 to 16.8)9.3 (7.7 to 11.1)0.145
Ever flavoured use19.6 (16.4 to 23.2)15.6 (13.7 to 17.8)0.054
  • p Values ≤0.05 are bolded. p Values between 0.10 and 0.05 are italicised.

  • CPPW, Communities Putting Prevention to Work; NYC, New York City; YRBS, Youth Risk Behavior Survey.