Table 2

Smoking behaviour and preferences by smoking pattern

VariableN=1201N=297N=904χ2p Value
Obtaining cigarettes
 Borrow all45 (3.7)9 (3.0)36 (4.0)0.560.45
 Borrow some574 (47.8)171 (57.6)448 (49.6)7.210.01
 Buy all582 (48.5)126 (42.4)456 (50.4)5.750.02
Product preferences
 Prefer to buy packs917 (76.4)246 (82.8)671 (74.2)9.160.00
 Prefer to buy cartons160 (13.3)24 (8.1)136 (15.0)9.390.00
 Prefer menthol484 (40.3)123 (41.4)361 (39.9)0.200.65
Usually carry cigarettes687 (57.2)137 (46.1)550 (60.8)19.770.00
Indoor home smoking restricted517 (43.0)137 (46.1)380 (42.0)1.530.22
Did price influence
 You to smoke less?866 (72.1)189 (63.6)677 (74.9)14.070.00
 Where you buy?800 (66.6)189 (63.6)611 (67.6)1.570.21
 The brand you smoke?531 (44.2)121 (40.7)410 (45.4)1.930.17
 An increase in desire to quit?721 (60.0)153 (51.5)568 (62.8)11.930.00
Quit intentions
 Within 6 months?475 (39.6)118 (39.7)357 (39.5)0.010.94
 Within 30 days?125 (10.4)38 (12.8)87 (9.6)2.410.12
  • CNDS, converted non-daily smoker; NNDS, native non-daily smoker.