Table 1

Selected movie characteristics (1988–2011)

All yearsPre 2000Post 1999
Total, n (%)2134 (100%)680 (32%)1454 (68%)
Motion picture rating, n (%)
 General91 (4.3%)27 (4.0%)27 (4.4%)
 PG380 (17.8%)129 (19.0%)129 (17.3%)
 PG-13881 (41.3%)209 (30.7%)209 (46.2%)
 Restricted782 (36.6%)315 (46.3%)315 (32.1%)
Smoking in movies
 Movies with any smoking, n (%)1465 (69%)571 (84%)894 (61%)
 Scenes with character smoking*, mean (SD)6.8 (SD 8.8)7.9 (SD 10.3)6.1 (SD 7.7)
 Character smoking average scene length†, mean (SD)43.3 (SD 44.5)80.0 (SD 48.1)18.9 (SD 16.4)
  • *Considers only movies with smoking.

  • †In seconds and considers only movies with at least 1 character smoking scene (n=1267).