Table 1

Variable names, definitions and summary statistics

Continuous variables
 Never smokedQuit before 2008New quit (Quit after 2008)Smoke now
VariableDefinitionObs.Mean (SD)Obs.Mean (SD)Obs.Mean (SD)Obs.Mean (SD)
SWB (composite)Overall subjective well-being, 0–1018177.49 (1.04)16287.57 (1.04)9007.45 (1.11)8827.23 (1.24)
SnapshotImmediate subjective well-being, 1–718045.63 (0.84)16255.72 (0.87)9005.59 (0.85)8775.55 (0.97)
Personal SWBSatisfaction with Personal life (0–10)18007.89 (1.47)16208.12 (1.44)8997.99 (1.44)8737.68 (1.73)
Financial SWBSatisfaction with financial life (0–10)16636.76 (1.60)14957.00 (1.47)8726.61 (1.64)8036.24 (1.81)
Career SWBSatisfaction with career situation (0–10)14637.28 (1.40)10897.37 (1.41)6787.20 (1.45)6867.06 (1.70)
Stress Index (composite)Sensitivity to stress (1–5)18032.63 (0.73)16252.60 (0.70)9002.66 (0.73)8772.55 (0.75)
AgeAge of respondent181744 (14.2)162855 (13.1)90048 (15.3)88248 (12.8)
hh_sizeSize of household18172.77 (1.38)16282.42 (1.15)9002.49 (1.21)8822.27 (1.21)
hh_numkidsNumber of children in the household18171.04 (1.17)16280.64 (0.98)9000.79 (1.00)8820.65 (0.95)
hh_incomeMonthly household income (€)18173030 (4054)16283040 (2356)9003289 (9901)8822665 (3429)
HoursWeekly hours worked181731 (13.3)162833 (12.7)90031 (12.7)88233 (13.0)
Dichotomous Variables (value=1 if average over time >0.5, Obs=5227)
VariableDefinitionPer centPer centPer centPer cent
Drinks≥1Daily drinker7.227.216.726.2
MaleGender is male44.755.751.354.9
educ1Not high school graduate0.
educ2Graduated high school10.
educ3Grad vocational college54.448.052.646.6
educ4Graduated university13.
health1Health rated ‘poor’
health2Health rated ‘moderate’
health3Health rated ‘good’64.867.368.772.1
health4Health rated ‘very good’25.320.117.312.6
health5Health is rated ‘excellent’
ReligionMember of organised religion42.
CrimeNeighbourhood has a problem with crime8.
UrbanNeighbourhood ‘very urban’ or ‘quite urban’40.639.141.144.1
RuralNeighbourhood is ‘rural’14.514.715.614.1
  • Obs, observations; SWB, subjective well-being.