ESSENTIAL USE PATTERNS Q1. Have you ever smoked waterpipe (use local name) (even one or two inhalations)? □ Yes □ No For yes response, ask the following: Q2. At what age did you first smoke waterpipe? _____ years Q3. Which statement best describes your waterpipe smoking during the past month (30 days?) □ I did not smoke waterpipe in the past month □ I smoked less than once a week □ I smoked at least once a week, but not every day □ I smoked at least once a day or on most days |
DEPENDENCE/CESSATION Q4. In your opinion, how ‘hooked’ are you on the waterpipe? □ Not hooked □ Somewhat hooked □ Very hooked Q5. On average, how many waterpipes/heads you usually smoke per month?*_____ waterpipes (heads) Q6. When waterpipe is not available, do you feel the need to smoke a cigarette or use another nicotine/tobacco product instead? □ Yes □ No Q7. How would you characterise your waterpipe use frequency since you started? □ Decreased □ Stayed the same □ Increased Q8. During the past year, have you stopped waterpipe smoking for at least 1 month in an attempt to quit? □ Yes □ No Q9. Do you intend to quit waterpipe? □ Not at all □ In the next month □ In the next 6 months □ In the future Q10. Have you ever received help or advice to stop smoking waterpipe? □No □ Yes, from a health professional □ Yes, from a friend □ Yes, from a family member □ Yes, other |
EXPOSURE (current smokers) Q11. What is the average time you usually spend during a waterpipe smoking session? □ Less than 30 minutes □ 30–60 minutes □ More than 60 minutes Q12. On average, how many waterpipes/heads you usually smoke per month?*_____ waterpipes (heads) Q13. On average, how many days per month do you smoke waterpipe? _____ days Q14. For how many years have you smoked waterpipe? _____ years |
EXPANDED USE RELATED ITEMS Q15. What do you usually smoke the waterpipe with? □ Flavoured tobacco □ Unflavoured tobacco □ Non-tobacco product/s □ Mixture of tobacco and non-tobacco products Q16. Who do you usually smoke waterpipe with? □ Friends □ Family □ Alone □ Other Q17. Where do you usually smoke waterpipe?* □ At home □ At a friend's □ In public places (eg, a café/restaurant) □ Other places Q18. Do you usually share the same waterpipe with friends or family? □ Yes □ No Q19. Compared with cigarettes, how harmful do you think the waterpipe is? □ Less harmful □ Equally harmful □ More harmful □ Don't know Q20. Compared with cigarettes, how addictive do you think the waterpipe is? □ Less addictive □ Equally addictive □ More addictive □ Don't know Q21. Does the waterpipe help you socialise? □ Yes □ No □ Don't know Q22. What was the first tobacco/nicotine product you ever tried? □ Waterpipe tobacco □ Cigarette □ E-cigarettes/other vaping devices □ Cigar/little cigars/cigarillos □ Smokeless tobacco (eg, chewed tobacco, spit/dip, snus) □ Other tobacco/nicotine product Q23. At any time during the next 12 months, do you think you will start smoking waterpipe? (for non-smokers only) □ Yes □ No □ Don't know |
POLICY/REGULATION RELATED Q24. Where do you usually obtain your waterpipe and its accessories/products? □ Internet □ Café □ Friends/family □ Retail/shops □ Other Q25. During the past month, were you able to buy waterpipe or its products at a café or shop? (for children <18) □ Yes □ No □ I do not buy waterpipe; Q26. During the past month, were you able to buy waterpipe or its products on the internet? (for children <18) □ Yes □ No □ I do not buy waterpipe Q27. Where do you usually smoke waterpipe?* □ At home □ At a friend's □ In public places (eg, a café/restaurant) □ Other places Q28. What do you think about the waterpipe in terms of the money you spend on it? □ Inexpensive □ Reasonable □ Expensive Q29. In the past month, have you noticed any health warnings on any of waterpipe parts (eg, tobacco, waterpipe instrument, charcoal) or purchasing places (eg, internet, waterpipe café)? □ Many □ Some □ None Q30. Have you ever smoked waterpipe to help you quit cigarettes? □ Yes □ No Q31. How often do you read the labelled contents on waterpipe tobacco or accessories (eg, charcoal)? □ Always □ Sometimes □ Not at all Q32. In the past month, have you seen any advertisement for the waterpipe (eg, TV, radio, newspapers, billboards, magazines, internet/social media or movies)? □ Yes, many □ Yes, some □ No, not at all Q33. On average, how many hours per week were you in the same place/room with someone smoking waterpipe? (for non-smokers) □ At home_____ hours □Waterpipe Café_____ hours □Other_____ hours |
*Item is cross listed between multiple domains.