Table 2

The effects of PWLs on smoking prevalence, US SimSmoke model, ages 18 and above

 Male Female
Smoking prevalence, %
Status quo*19.018.717.714.814.415.014.813.911.110.8
Best estimate19.018.016.813.513.
Lower bound19.018.317.214.213.815.014.513.510.710.4
Upper bound19.017.416.012.311.715.013.712.69.38.8
Relative change from status quo, %
Best estimate−4.0−5.2−8.9−9.7−4.0−5.1−8.8−9.6
Lower bound−2.0−2.5−3.9−4.1−2.0−2.5−3.8−4.1
Upper bound−7.0−9.4−17.1−18.7−7.0−9.2−16.7−18.5
  • *Status quo holds policies constant at their 2015 level in future years, whereas other estimates show the effect with strong graphic warnings implemented.

  • †Relative changes are from the status quo estimates measured as the difference in the smoking prevalence with warnings from the status quo prevalence in a particular year relative to the status quo prevalence in that year.

  • PWLs, pictorial warning labels.