Table 2

Status quo and e-cigarette substitution, premature deaths and life years lost, men and women born in 2001 (age 15 years in 2016)

OutcomesYear201620262056Cumulative (2016–2100)Deaths prevented/life years gained*% Change relative to status quo
Age, years152555
Status Quo Scenario†
PrevalenceNever smoker95.5%75.5%72.8%
Cigarette smoker4.5%21.7%10.6%
Former smoker0.0%2.8%16.7%
Premature deaths001381176 915
Life years lost0043 5072101 908
Optimistic Scenario‡
PrevalenceNever smoker95.5%75.5%72.5%
Cigarette smoker4.5%5.0%2.1%
Former smoker>age 40 years0.0%0.0%1.2%
E-cigarettes exclusive0.0%16.7%8.7%
Former smoker<age 40 years0.0%2.8%10.5%
E-cigarette/former smoker0.0%0.0%0.0%
Former E-cigarette user0.0%0.0%4.9%
Premature deaths0030129 556147 35983.3%
Life years lost009496402 8231699 08580.8%
Pessimistic Scenario§
Premature deaths001247141 28735 62920.1%
Life years lost0039 3081793 892308 01614.7%
Status Quo Scenario†
PrevalenceNever smoker97.6%82.8%79.4%
Cigarette smoker2.4%15.2%8.3%
Former smoker0.0%2.1%12.3%
Premature deaths0036963 244
Life years lost0012 513711 172
Optimistic Scenario‡
PrevalenceNever smoker97.6%82.8%79.4%
Cigarette smoker2.4%5.0%2.1%
Former smoker>age 40 years0.0%0.0%1.3%
E-cigarettes exclusive0.0%10.2%6.2%
Former smoker<age 40 years0.0%2.1%7.5%
E-cigarette/former smoker0.0%0.0%0.0%
Former e-cigarette user0.0%0.0%3.5%
Premature deaths0010914 29748 94777.4%
Life years lost003687181 846529 32674.7%
Pessimistic Scenario§
Premature deaths0038761 46917752.8%
Life years lost0013 106737 757−26 585−3.7%
  • *Life years gained=life years lost in Status Quo − Life years lost in E-cigarette Substitution Scenario.

  • †Status Quo Scenario: Smoking Rates evolve from initial 2016 levels based on age, gender and cohort-specific smoking initiation and cessation rates in the absence of e-cigarette use.

  • ‡Optimistic Scenario: e-cigarettes excess risk 5% of smoking, 5% of the population continues to initiate cigarette smoking or remain as smokers, the remainder of never smokers then initiate e-cigarette use at the rate of cigarette smoking initiation in the Status Quo Scenario, and both smokers and e-cigarette users quit at the rate of smokers in the Status Quo Scenario.

  • §Pessimistic Scenario: e-cigarettes excess risk 40% of smoking, 10% of the population continues to initiate cigarette smoking or remain as smokers, the remainder of never smokers then initiate e-cigarette use at the 150% rate of cigarette smoking initiation in the Status Quo Scenario, and e-cigarette users quit at 50% of the rate of smokers in the Status Quo Scenario and smokers quit at the Status Quo cessation rate.