Table 2

Rate of current use (use in the previous 30 days) of electronic tobacco products

Characteristics at 2015 baselinee-CigaretteIQOSPloom/Ploom TechgloAny productDual use*
Age groups, years
Smoking status
 Former smoker1.
 Current smoker with intention to quit2.
 Current smoker with no intention to quit4.
Workplace indoor smoking ban status
 No ban (including smoking room/corner)
 Complete ban1.
 Not working/did not know0.
HNB tobacco/e-cigarette use status
 Never used with no preference for e-cigarette use0.
 Never used but would like to use e-cigarette in future0.
Equivalent household income
 1st quartile (lowest)
 2nd quartile0.
 3rd quartile1.
 4th quartile (highest)
 Did not know/did not want to answer0.
Housing tenure
 Does not own housing1.
 Owns housing1.
 Junior high school/high school1.
 University/technical school/college or more1.
Marital status
 Never married2.
Alcohol consumption
 Former drinker2.
 Current drinker1.
Self-rated health
 Good (excellent/very good/good)
 Poor (fair/poor)
Area-level deprivation index of living place
 1st quartile (least deprived)
 2nd quartile1.
 3rd quartile1.
 4th quartile (most deprived)
Experience of having seen the TV programme†‡
 Had not seen0.
 Had seen2.
 Did not respond to 2017 survey1.
Awareness of tobacco company promotion§
 Never, seldom or sometimes seen0.
 Often or very often seen2.
 Did not respond to 2017 survey/responded to reduced version§
  • Both sexes and years 2015, 2016 and 2017, in Japan.

  • Note: glo was sold in 12 December 2016.

  • *Dual use means use of both combustible cigarette and at least one new tobacco products (IQOS, Ploom, glo and e-cigarette with nicotine or e-cigarette without nicotine).

  • †Information collected in 2017 survey.

  • ‡A programme of a popular entertainment TV show introducing IQOS was broadcasted on 28 April 2016 in Japan (see methods section for detail).

  • §Responded to reduced version means responders who answered question-reduced version that did not included some questions such as awareness of tobacco company promotion (n=194).

  • HNB, heat-not-burn.