Table 5

Sensitivity analysis results for regression of smoking prevalence among total population

Control variablesSmoking prevalenceSensitivity test 1
(excluding Canada and Australia)
Sensitivity test 2
(excluding the UK)
Sensitivity test 3
(excluding Australia, Canada and the UK)
Panel A: using R score as price measure
 POS display bans−0.086*
Panel B: using EIU mean price as price measure
 POS display bans−0.093*
 EIU mean price−0.015**
Panel C: using MPOWER price for the most popular brand as price measure
 POS display bans−0.077*
 MPOWER price for the most popular brand−0.024†
  • t-Statistics are in parentheses. SEs were clustered at the country level. Marginal effects are in square brackets. Per cent reduction in smoking prevalence and elasticities are in curly brackets.

  • *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001, †P<0.1. 

  • EIU, Economist Intelligence Unit; POS, point of sale.