Table 2

Latent variables used in the measurement and structural equation models (n=2149)

Latent variable
(timepoint used in analysis)
Indicator item wording (response scale)Factor loading
Negative affect
(immediate post-test)
How much did the warning on your cigarette packs make you feel… 
Scared? (Not at all (coded as 1), a little (2), somewhat (3), very (4), extremely (5))0.93
Regretful? (Not at all (1), a little (2), somewhat (3), very (4), extremely (5))0.91
On edge? (Not at all (1), a little (2), somewhat (3), very (4), extremely (5))0.88
Disgusted? (Not at all (1), a little (2), somewhat (3), very (4), extremely (5))0.88
Sad? (Not at all (1), a little (2), somewhat (3), very (4), extremely (5))0.86
Message reactance
(immediate post-test)
Please say how much you agree or disagree with each statement below about the warning we put on your packs. 
The health effect on this warning is overblown. (Strongly disagree (1), somewhat disagree (2), neither agree nor disagree (3), somewhat agree (4), strongly agree (5))0.82
This warning is trying to manipulate me. (Strongly disagree (1), somewhat disagree (2), neither agree nor disagree (3), somewhat agree (4), strongly agree (5))0.77
This warning annoys me. (S trongly disagree (1), somewhat disagree (2), neither agree nor disagree (3), somewhat agree (4), strongly agree (5))0.75
Perceived risk*
(week 2)
 Perceived likelihood of harm from smoking †1.00
What is the chance that you will one  day get heart disease if you continue to smoke cigarettes? (No chance (1), low chance (2), moderate chance (3), high chance (4), certain (5))0.94
What is the chance that you will one  day get cancer if you continue to smoke cigarettes? (No chance (1), low chance (2), moderate chance (3), high chance (4), certain (5))0.93
What is the chance that you will one  day get a permanent breathing problem if you continue to smoke cigarettes? (No chance (1), low chance (2), moderate chance (3), high chance (4), certain (5))0.87
 Perceived severity of harm from smoking0.56
How much would getting heart disease because of smoking affect your life? (Not at all (1), a little (2), a moderate amount (3), a lot (4))0.97
How much would getting cancer because of smoking affect your life? (Not at all (1), a little (2), a moderate amount (3), a lot (4))0.97
How much would getting a permanent breathing problem because of smoking affect your life? (Not at all (1), a little (2), a moderate amount (3), a lot (4))0.97
Quit intentions
(week 4)
How much do you plan to quit smoking in the next month? (Not at all (1), a little (2), somewhat (3), very much (4))0.98
How interested are you in quitting smoking in the next month? (Not at all interested (1), a little interested (2), somewhat interested (3), very interested (4))0.95
How likely are you to quit smoking in the next month? (Not at all likely (1), a little likely (2), somewhat likely (3), very likely (4))0.94
  • Table reports standardised factor loadings.

  • *Modelled as a second-order latent factor.

  • †For purposes of estimation, we fixed the value of the loading for perceived likelihood at 1.