Table 1

Patterns of e-cigarette use frequency from Wave 1 (2013–2014) to Wave 2 (2014–2015) among adult e-cigarette users at Wave 1*, PATH Study (n=2797)

Frequency of use at Wave 1†Frequency of use at Wave 2
Reported the same level of frequency of useIncreased frequency of use (infrequent to moderate; or moderate to daily)Decreased frequency of use (daily to moderate; or moderate to infrequent)Ceased use (reported currently not using at all or never use at Wave 2)
%95% CI%95% CI%95% CI%95% CI
Age category
All Adults 18+
 All users (n=2797)28.626.5 to 30.911.19.9 to 12.411.410.3 to 12.748.846.4 to 51.3
 Infrequent users (n=1173)19.317.2 to 21.718.616.2 to 21.2n/a62.158.8 to 65.2
 Moderate users (n=1031)24.121.6 to to 11.317.515.3 to to 52.1
 Daily users (n=590)53.548.6 to 58.4n/an/a22.819.4 to 26.523.719.7 to 28.3
Young adults 1824
 All users (n=814)24.821.5 to 28.312.310.2 to 14.711.79.6 to 14.351.246.9 to 55.5
 Infrequent users (n=406)21.217.1 to to 22.7n/a60.655.0 to 65.9
 Moderate users (n=282)21.516.5 to to 14.019.515.3 to 24.649.442.9 to 55.9
 Daily users (n=125)43.133.5 to 53.4n/an/a30.823.2 to 39.726.018.3 to 35.5
Adults 25+
 All users (n=1981)29.527.0 to to 12.411.410.1 to 12.948.345.7 to 51.0
 Infrequent users (n=765)18.315.7 to 21.218.815.8 to 22.1n/a62.959.0 to 66.7
 Moderate users (n=749)24.721.7 to to 11.617.114.5 to 19.948.945.4 to 52.5
 Daily users (n=465)55.349.9 to 60.5n/an/a21.417.8 to 25.523.319.1 to 28.2
  • Frequencies are based on unweighted data and all other estimates are weighted.

  • *Among the 3642 current (every day or some day) users at Wave 1, 683 do not have follow-up information and 245 reported never having used an e-cigarette at Wave 2. For this analysis, the 683 who do not have follow-up information at Wave 2 are excluded from the Wave 2 totals shown above; the 245 who reported current e-cigarette use at W1 but reported never use at W2 are treated as former e-cigarette users. Respondents at Wave 1 were asked about their ‘e-cigarette’ use, whereas in Wave 2, respondents were asked about their e-cigarette use as well as other ENPs including ‘e-cigars’, ‘e-pipes’ and ‘e-hookah’. Of the 3642 W1 e-cigarette users, a total of 86 respondents indicated they currently used other ENPs (and not e-cigarettes) and 53 reported formerly using other ENPs (but not e-cigarettes) at Wave 2. The use states in the table above for W2 reflect use of ONLY e-cigarettes (not other ENP) as the ENP questionnaire does not ascertain the number of days used in the past 30 days. Additionally, 23 adult e-cigarette users were dropped from the current analysis due to missing data on e-cigarette use behaviour.

  • †Infrequent use was defined as those who reported using an e-cigarette ‘some days’ and reported using an e-cigarette on 0 to 2 of the past 30 days. Moderate use was defined as those who reported using an e-cigarettes on ‘some days’ and reported using an e-cigarette on >3 of the past 30 days. Daily use was defined as those who reported using an e-cigarette ‘every day’.

  • ENPs, electronic nicotine products; PATH, Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health.