Table 3

Per cent of discontinuance of e-cigarettes at Wave 2 among adult e-cigarette users at Wave 1 and factors associated with discontinuance (n=2939)*, PATH Study

% discontinuing e-cigarette use at W2Unadjusted PRaPR
%95% CIPR95% CIaPR95% CI
  Male49.246.1 to 52.4Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.
  Female47.444.4 to 50.40.960.89 to 1.050.940.86 to 1.03
  18–2449.645.4 to 53.9Ref.Ref.Ref.
  25–3448.444.2 to 52.70.980.87 to to 1.14
  35–4447.842.9 to 52.70.960.83 to to 1.17
  45–5449.344.0 to 54.50.990.88 to to 1.16
  55–6447.642.1 to 53.20.960.82 to to 1.18
  65+44.233.8 to 55.10.890.69 to to 1.30
  White, non-Hispanic46.644.0 to 49.3Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.
  Black, non-Hispanic50.743.4 to to 1.270.990.83 to 1.17
  Asian, non-Hispanic43.329.1 to 58.70.930.64 to 1.350.960.68 to 1.36
  Other, non-Hispanic46.940.1 to to to 1.16
  Hispanic56.351.1 to to 1.341.080.97 to 1.21
  Less than HS52.747.1 to to to 1.22
  HS or equivalency degree49.643.8 to 55.4Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.
  Some college or associate’s degree49.244.2 to 54.20.990.85 to to 1.17
  Bachelor’s degree46.743.4 to 50.00.940.81 to 1.090.970.84 to 1.12
  More than bachelor’s degree46.040.7 to 51.30.930.78 to 1.110.950.80 to 1.14
Frequency of e-cigarette use at Wave 1†
  Daily24.220.2 to 28.80.440.37 to 0.530.490.40 to 0.59
  Non-daily55.052.6 to 57.4Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.
Cigarette smoking status at Wave 1
  Current smoker50.547.8 to 53.30.920.82 to 1.020.910.81 to 1.03
  Recent quitter (≤1 year)31.224.9 to 38.20.560.44 to 0.720.830.66 to 1.03
  Long-term quitter (>1 year)29.122.3 to 37.00.530.40 to 0.690.680.53 to 0.87
  Never smoker55.250.1 to 60.2Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.
Current use of other combusted products at Wave 1‡
  Yes47.744.3 to 51.10.980.90 to 1.060.870.80 to 0.95
  No48.846.0 to 51.7Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.
Current use of other non-combusted products at Wave 1§
  Yes51.043.8 to to to 1.23
  No48.145.7 to 50.6Ref.Ref.Ref.
Device type at Wave 1¶
  Customisable38.534.2 to 43.00.740.66 to 0.830.890.81 to 0.99
  Non-customisable52.249.8 to 54.6Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.
  • Unadjusted PRs were estimated using only the relevant variable as a predictor variable; all variables, including demographic characteristics, are based on responses at Wave 1. Frequencies are based on unweighted data and all other estimates, including proportions and PRs are weighted.

  • *Analysis includes those who were current (every day or some days) e-cigarette users at Wave 1 and reported either using e-cigarettes ‘not at all’ at Wave 2 or reported at Wave 2 they never used e-cigarettes (n=1419).

  • †Respondents who reported using an e-cigarette ‘every day’ or ‘some days’.

  • ‡Other combusted products are filtered cigars, cigarillos, traditional cigars, hookah and pipes.

  • §Other non-combusted tobacco products are smokeless tobacco (snus pouches, loose snus, moist snuff, dip, spit or chewing tobacco) and dissolvable tobacco.

  • ¶Device type at Wave 1 is defined here as either customisable (rechargeable, refillable and does not use cartridges) or non-customisable (any other combination of responses to rechargeable/refillable survey items).

  • aPR, adjusted prevalence ratio; HS, high school; PATH, Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health; PR, prevalence ratio.