Table 5

Perceptions of and support for closed displays, mid-ban and postban

Base: all never-smokers (weighted)Mid-ban (2014)Postban (2016)
% of never-smokers who thought*:
 Shops should have to keep cigarette packs behind closed shutters.783†86841‡90
 Having cigarette packs behind shutters in shops makes cigarettes seem unappealing.673§73688¶77
 Having cigarette packs behind shutters in shops makes me think that it’s NOT OK to smoke.764**83790††87
  • *Proportion answering either code ‘1’ or ‘2’ (indicating support) to each item. Number of cases excluded due to missing values: †n=26, ‡n=40, §n=19, ¶n=82, **n=16, ††n=58.