Table 2

Impact of sociodemographics on preference for capsule cigarettes

PredictorOR95% CISig. p values
  Female1.271.08 to 1.480.003
  Medium0.940.78 to 1.140.533
  High1.120.93 to 1.350.238
  NZ European/other1.00
  Māori1.110.92 to 1.330.282
  Pacific1.020.77 to 1.350.900
 Smoking status
  Daily smoker1.00
  Non-daily smoker1.641.25 to 1.98<0.001
 Heaviness of Smoking Index
  Medium0.990.82 to 1.190.882
  High1.040.78 to 1.380.806
 Tried capsule before
  Yes1.060.91 to 1.230.490
 Probability of quitting1.031.00 to 1.060.024
  Female1.481.18 to 1.84<0.001
  Medium0.880.67 to 1.150.339
  High0.770.61 to 0.980.037
  NZ European/other1.00
  Māori0.860.64 to 1.170.344
  Pacific0.750.51 to 1.110.155
 Smoking status
  Never smoked1.00
  Previous smoker0.860.69 to 1.060.150
  • *Question asked: For each set of two packs, which would you prefer if these were the only options available and sold for the prices shown.

  • †Question asked: If these were the cigarettes they had to choose from, which pack would a non-smoker like you be most likely and least likely to accept a cigarette from?

  • NZ, New Zealand.