Table 5

Relative levels of HPHC and particulate matter in secondhand emissions from HnB products (ratio HnB:reference cigarette)

Ruprecht et al 33 2017Mitova et al 34 2016Forster et al 36 2018b
AffiliationNational Cancer Institute, Milan, ItalyPMIBAT
Reference cigaretteConventional cigaretteMarlboro GoldLucky Strike Regular
Setting‘A sitting room’ (ACH=1.5)‘Residential’
Secondhand emissions’ markers
 370 nm UV BC (µg/m3)0.7%–0.8%
 PM>0.3 (particles/cm3)2.8%–7.3%
 PMnm (particles/cm3)22.0%–24.0%
 PM 1 (µg/m3)0.9%–1.0%HnB < background
 PM 2.5 (µg/m3)1.3%–1.5%Non-detectableHnB < background
 PM 10 (µg/m3)1.5%–1.7%HnB < background
 Ultraviolet particulate matterNon-detectable
 Fluorescent particulate matterNon-detectable
 Acetaldehyde (µg/m3)5.0%–5.9%6.0%2.2%
 Acrolein (µg/m3)1.8%–2.3%Non-detectableNon-detectable
 Benzene1.7%HnB = background
 Carbon monoxide3.8%Non-detectable
 Formaldehyde (µg/m3)6.9%–7.1%7.6%10.2%
 IsopreneHnB < backgroundHnB < background
 TolueneHnB < background3.7%
 Nicotine6.2%HnB < background
 Nitrogen oxidesHnB < backgroundHnB < background
 Nitrogen oxideHnB < backgroundHnB < background
  • ACH, air changes per hour (ventilation rate of an indoor space defined as air volume added/removed from the space in  1  hour   divided by the space volume); BAT, British American Tobacco; HnB,  heat-not-burn tobacco product;  HPHC,   harmful and potentially harmful compounds;   –, not measured; PM > 0.3, particulate matter larger than 0.3 µm; PM nm, particulate matter in size range of  10–1000   nm; PMI, Philip Morris International; UV BC, ultraviolet black carbon.