Table 4

Purchase facilitation features present on tobacco brand mobile websites: product description, coupons, store locators and other features

CigaretteSmokeless tobaccoE-cigarettesHookahCigar
% (n)% (n)% (n)% (n)% (n)
Product image and description100 (10)100 (9)100 (21)100 (5)100 (17)
 Description of taste70 (7)67 (6)38 (8)40 (2)82 (14)
Offers coupons*100 (10)89 (8)38 (8)018 (3)
Described as regularly offered 90 (9) 50 (4) 13 (1) 0 0
Offers choice of coupon 70 (7) 50 (4) 25 (2) 0 0
Uses geolocation and time limit 50 (5) 38 (3) 0 0 0
Offers other discounts†10 (1)057 (12)80 (4)0
Store locator40 (4)78 (7)62 (13)20 (1)59 (10)
Used geolocation data 75 (3) 86 (6) 62 (8) 0 10 (1)
Other features
 Reviews0052 (11)20 (1)6 (1)
 Points system0038 (8)20 (1)6 (1)
 Live chat support0029 (6)20 (1)0
  • Italic rows represent percentages of a subcategory.

  • *Subcategories are not mutually exclusive.

  • †Such as free shipping, free products with purchase of a certain quantity, sale items.