Table 4

Response proportions (agreeing*, disagreeing or do not know) for statements regarding cigarette brand differences in ease of smoking, ease of quitting, addictiveness, harmfulness and have pack attractiveness by year in students who had seen cigarette packs in the past 6 months.

Survey yearP value
Some cigarette brands2011201320142017Year×smoking status
 (are):%%%% Year
Easier to smoke than othersAgree2927§ 26§ 20 p<0.01p=0.003
Do not know46554957
More addictive than othersAgree3534§ 3229 p=0.007p=0.032
Do not know43484553
Easier to quit than othersAgree17161513 p=0.175p=0.18
Do not know47544856
Contain more harmful substancesAgree3938§ 37§ 31 p<0.001p=0.042
Do not know39454251
Have better looking packs than othersAgree4525‡, § 26‡, § 21 p<0.001p<0.002
Do not know27413543
  • *Agree or strongly agree combined.

  • †Disagree or strongly disagree combined.

  • ‡Significantly different from 2011 at p<0.05.

  • §Significantly different from 2017 at p<0.05.