Table 4

Kappas and gross discrepancy rates (GDRs) for items about the awareness of each tobacco products

VariableAdult (n=407)Youth (n=117)
KappaGDR (%)KappaGDR (%)
Ever seen or heard of snus before this study0.6417.80.3128.5
Ever seen or heard of a hookah before this study0.5913.00.5721.6
Ever seen or heard of dissolvable tobacco before this study0.4911.30.2518.1
Ever seen or heard of smokeless tobacco before this study0.568.40.5219.0
Ever seen or heard of pipe before this study0.447.90.4120.5
Ever seen or heard of an e-cigarette or electronic nicotine product before this study0.327.10.3414.7
Ever seen or heard of a cigar, cigarillo or filtered cigar before this study0.406.40.3428.2