Table 1

Comparison of tax on conventional cigarettes and heated tobacco products

TaxConventional cigarettesBefore HTP tax increaseAfter HTP tax increase
Average price (won*)450043004500
Tobacco consumption tax (won)1007528897
National health promotion fund (won)841438750
Local education tax (won)443232.2395
Individual consumption tax (won)594126529
Environmental improvement charges (won)24.424.424.4
Total tax (won)2909.41348.6
(compared with tax on conventional cigarettes: 46%)
(compared with tax on conventional cigarettes: 89%)
Tax rate (VAT excluded) (%)64.7631.757.7
VAT (%)101010
  • *Won is the currency of South Korea (1000 won=US$1).

  • HTP, heated tobacco product; VAT, value-added tax.