Host measures | Intrapersonal factorsPerceptions (risks/benefit, expectancies, norms) Affect Motivation for use/quitting, susceptibility Dependence, craving, withdrawal Cognitive functioning, stress, daily functioning, quality of life Knowledge, decision making Acute subjective responses to products Personality, impulsivity, attention, risk taking, sensation seeking Preferences (brand, flavour, sensory features)
| Special populationsVulnerable populations: other (gender, race/ethnicity, LGBTQ, income, occupation, geographic location, military, pregnant women, fetus/children/youth/elderly, etc)
| Use trajectories Experimentation Initiation Use patterns Quit attempts Relapse Cessation Use or polyuse
| Biological validation/assays/biomarker measures of exposure (eg, cotinine in serum/urine/expired CO) Measures of exposure (NNAL in urine, 1-HOP, second-hand and third-hand exposures, toxins, constituents, measured in biological samples) Biomarker/assay development, validation, etc. Other health behaviours (eg, alcohol, physical activity) Health outcomes
Agent measures |
Product type (across or within)—eg, brand, ‘tank,’ ‘cig-alike’, cigarette, cigar, e-cig, hookah Product appeal (eg, flavour) Product composition: constituents, ingredients Product characterisation/features: engineering (e-cigs), paper/filters (cigarettes) On product marketing features (eg, packaging, branding, colour, size) On product counter-marketing features: graphic warning labels Topography (eg, puffing profile) Tobacco product adulteration History of product brands Subjective measures of product characterisation (eg, GWL recall, brand recall)
Vector measures | Retail/point of saleLocation, neighbourhood characterisation, density/proximity Price Point-of-sale advertising
| MarketingExposure to advertising, marketing messages Measures of advertising, marketing messages Price promotions, coupons, discounting Sponsorship, public relation activities Exposure to indirect marketing (eg, exposure to pro-tobacco messages such as smoking in the movies, TV, social media) Measures of indirect marketing Illicit tobacco products
Environment measures | Policies (tobacco use restrictions)
| Counter-marketing
| Peer, occupation and social networks Social networks Peer influence (use of products) Family influence (house rules about smoking, parental use, parenting measures) Workplace/organisational policies (eg, smoke-free air laws) Communication about tobacco use
| Community riskNeighbourhood disadvantage, safety Neighbourhood collective efficacy Neighbourhood race/ethnic segregation Community norms (smoking rates, perceptions of norms)