Table 2

Annual hospital admission rate (1/100 000) of AMI and stroke in Beijing from 2013 to 2017

Hospital admissions, nCrude annual rate (95% CI)Standardised annual rate (95% CI)Hospital admissions, nCrude annual rate (95% CI)Standardised annual rate (95% CI)
2013582237.1 (36.1 to 38.0)34.5 (33.6 to 35.4)23 062146.8 (144.9 to 148.7)138.8 (136.9 to 140.6)
2014611736.4 (35.5 to 37.3)33.8 (33.0 to 34.7)25 148149.6 (147.8 to 151.5)140.8 (139.1 to 142.6)
2015706339.5 (38.5 to 40.4)36.2 (35.3 to 37.1)31 111173.8 (171.8 to 175.7)162.4 (160.6 to 164.3)
2016775140.6 (39.7 to 41.6)37.1 (36.2 to 37.9)32 249169.1 (167.3 to 171.0)157.8 (156.0 to 159.5)
(6 months)
386538.8 (37.9 to 39.7)34.5 (33.7 to 35.3)16 039161.0 (159.2 to 162.7)145.7 (144.0 to 147.3)
Total30 61838.6 (38.2 to 39.0)35.2 (34.9 to 35.6)127 609160.6 (159.8 to 161.5)149.4 (148.6 to 150.2)
  • The standardised annual rates were age and sex adjusted according to the population in the sixth demographic census in Beijing.

  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction.