Table 1

Sample's description

VariablesUnweighted, n=1205Weighted (%)*
Geographical area
Local government area
Age category (years)
Marital status
 Divorced, widowed or separated463.3
 No schooling48541.4
 Some primary schooling19717.9
 Secondary school completed35727.9
 Postsecondary school completed775.7
Monthly income
 Less than D10001229.0
 D5001–D10 0001169.2
 Over D10 000483.7
Type of tobacco used
 Other tobacco756.9
  • *Percentages do not add up to 100 in some cases due to missing values on the following variables: gender—91 missing values; age category—99 missing values; marital status—1 prefer not to answer, 87 missing values; education—2 prefer not to answer, 85 missing values; monthly income—47 prefer not to answer, 250 missing values; type of tobacco used—101 missing values.