Table 1

Studies informing the selected tobacco simulation models

Model (see ‘Methods’ section for additional details)Number of citations identified in searchAdditional citations retrieved from reference lists of selected studiesCitations reviewed
Abridged SimSmoke31Source paper,8 31 recent papers29 32
BENESCO140Source papers,23 24 recent papers22 33 34
BODE3 90Source paper,9 recent papers14 35 36
EQUIPTMOD70Source paper,37 recent papers12 38 39
CA Higashi30Papers15 40 41
CA Hoogenveen50Source paper,42 recent papers3 43
DYNAMO-HIA31Source paper,44 recent papers,21 45 46
PMI41Source paper,47 recent papers25 26
SimSmoke (see above regarding ‘Abridged SimSmoke’)460Source paper,48 recent papers,11 13 49 model variation50–52
Tobacco Policy/CA Ahmad100Papers53–56
CA Vos30Papers57–59
CA Warner & Mendez41Papers60–64
WHO-CHOICE04Source paper,27 papers16–18
  • BENESCO, Benefits of Smoking Cessation on Outcomes; BODE3, Burden of Disease Epidemiology, Equity & Cost-Effectiveness Programme; CA, Common author; Dynamo-HIA, Dynamic Model of Health Impact Assessment; PMI, Philip Morris International (a tobacco company); WHO-CHOICE, WHO-CHOosing Interventions that are Cost Effective.