Table 4

Attitudes toward flavouring ban, access to menthol cigarettes and self-report impact on smoking

Wave 3
post-menthol ban
November 2019
Current smokers only (n=89)
 Are you aware there is a ban on the sale of menthol cigarettes in San Francisco? (yes)73 (82.0%)
 What is the main reason for reducing your smoking?
  Preferred flavour or brand is not available6 (6.8%)
  Cost of a pack of cigarettes11 (12.5%)
  Health concerns49 (55.7%)
  Other reason13 (14.8%)
  I have not tried to reduce or quit smoking9 (10.2%)
Menthol smokers only (n=36)
 In the past month, where have you obtained menthol cigarettes? (select all that apply)
  I purchased them from a store in San Francisco18 (50.0%)
  I purchased them from store outside San Francisco13 (36.1%)
  A friend or family member7 (19.4%)
  Other2 (5.6%)
 Has the ban on the sale of menthol cigarettes in San Francisco affected your cigarette smoking?
  I smoke less because of the ban6 (16.7%)
  I smoke menthol cigarettes about the same as before16 (44.4%)
  I switched to non-menthol cigarettes because of the ban11 (30.6%)
  No impact3 (8.3%)
  • As there were no differences between responses for waves 2 and 3, only wave 3 data are shown. The survey question concerning main reason for reducing smoking had one case with missing data.