Table 1

Typology of halo effects relevant to MRTP claims

TypeApplies toClaim generalised toExample
halo effect
Specific exposure claims.Specific exposures not stated in claim.Claim describing reduced exposure to carbon monoxide inferred to mean reduced exposure to formaldehyde.
halo effect
Specific risk claims.Specific disease risks not stated in claim.Claim describing reduced risk of lung cancer inferred to mean reduced risk of heart disease.
halo effect
Exposure claims (specific or general).Disease risks (specific or general).Claim describing reduced exposure to carbon monoxide inferred to mean reduced risk of lung cancer
Risk-to-exposure halo effectRisk claims (specific or general).Exposures (specific or general).Claim describing reduced risk of lung cancer inferred to mean reduced exposure to carbon monoxide.
Exclusive-to-dual use
halo effect
Claims describing benefits (exposure or risk) of completely switching from one product (eg, cigarettes) to the MRTP.Partial switching/dual use.Claim stating that switching completely from cigarettes to MRTP will reduce risk of lung cancer inferred to mean that partially switching also reduces lung cancer risk.
Similar product
halo effect
Claims for a single product that has rival products in the same product category or similar products in a different category.Competing brands within the same product category or similar products in a different category that have not been authorised to make the MRTP claim.Claim describing reduced exposure benefits of IQOS inferred to mean that Glo, a competing heated tobacco product, also has reduced exposure benefits.
Brand halo effectClaims for a single product that shares branding with products in other product categories, or the same product category.Product with same brand name within a different product category or same product category that has not been authorised to make the MRTP claim.Reduced risk claim for Camel Snus is inferred to mean that Camel cigarettes are also reduced risk.
  • MRTP, modified risk tobacco product.