Table 2

Data sources and base year

Import quantity and price: ComtradeTotal domestic supplyPrice of the most sold brand: GTCR
Benin2017Imports only2017
Burkina Faso2017GTCR (excise revenue/ (excise revenue/pack)2017
Cabo Verde2018SCT annual report23 2017
Cote d'Ivoire2017GlobalData 20172017
Gambia2017Imports only2017
Ghana2018Imports only2018
Guinea2015Imports only2014
Guinea-Bissau2016Imports only2016
Liberia2016Imports only2016
Mali2017Imports only2018*
Niger2017Imports only2018*
Nigeria2018GlobalData, 2018Euromonitor26
Senegal2017GlobalData, 20172018*
Sierra Leone2017Imports only2018*
Togo2017Imports only2018*
  • Shaded countries are also members of WAEMU.

  • *Same price reported in 2016 and 2018, GTCR, 20198.

  • GTCR, Global Tobacco Control Report; SCT, Sociedade Caboverdiana de Tabacos; WAEMU, West African Economic and Monetary Union.