Table 1

Demographics and sample characteristics of substance use disorder treatment clients across survey waves

Mean (SD) or n (%)χ²/F (df)P value
Wave 1
pre-menthol ban
June 2018
Wave 2
post-menthol ban
May 2019
Wave 3
post- menthol ban
November 2019
Age43.8 (11.9)43.0 (11.1)44.9 (12.4)43.9 (12.4)0.79 (2)0.454
 Male309 (81.1%)128 (80.5%)83 (81.4%)98 (81.7%)
 Female60 (15.8%)29 (18.2%)13 (12.8%)18 (15.0%)
 Other12 (3.2%)2 (1.3%)6 (5.9%)4 (3.3%)
Race/ethnicity6.03 (6)0.420
 Hispanic94 (24.6%)43 (26.9%)24 (23.5%)27 (22.5%)
 Black or African-American120 (31.4%)45 (28.1%)36 (35.3%)39 (32.5%)
 White or Caucasian116 (30.4%)44 (27.5%)33 (32.4%)39 (32.5%)
 Other/multiple52 (13.6%)28 (17.5%)9 (8.8%)15 (12.5%)
Education0.55 (4)0.968
 Less than high school/GED90 (23.6 %)36 (22.5%)25 (24.5%)29 (24.2%)
 High school diploma or GED equivalent118 (30.9%)48 (30.0%)31 (30.4%)39 (32.5%)
 Some college or technical/trade school174 (45.6%)76 (47.5%)46 (45.1%)52 (43.3%)
Current cigarette smoker272 (71.2%)114 (71.3%)69 (67.7%)89 (74.2%)3.37 (4)0.498
Primary drug*12.64 (6) 0.049
 Alcohol82 (21.5%)40 (25.0%)12 (11.9%)30 (25.0%)
 Stimulants169 (44.4%)70 (43.8%)47 (46.5%)52 (43.3%)
 Opiates86 (22.6%)37 (23.1%)23 (22.8%)26 (21.7%)
 Other44 (11.6%)13 (8.1%)19 (18.8%)12 (10.0%)
Programmes2.14 (2)0.343
 Site 1165 (43.2%)76 (47.5%)40 (39.2%)49 (40.8%)
 Site 2217 (56.8%)84 (52.5%)62 (60.8%)71 (59.2%)
  • *Gender has missing data for one case at wave 1. Primary drug has missing data for one case at wave 2.

  • †Fisher’s exact test

  • χ2, ; F, Fisher’s exact test.