Table 5

Total price and income elasticity

Low-income householdsMiddle-income householdsHigh-income householdsAll households
H0: No difference between income groups price elasticities
 LI and MIχ2(1)=1.53; prob>χ2=0.2168
 MI and HIχ2(1)=10.27; prob>χ2=0.0014
 LI and HIχ2(1)=16.46; prob>χ2=0.0000
H0: No difference between income groups income elasticities
 LI and MIχ2(1)=0.19; prob>χ2=0.6653
 MI and HIχ2(1)=0.19; prob>χ2=0.6667
 LI and HIχ2(1)=1.37; prob>χ2=0.2423
  • LI, MI and HI stand for low-income, middle-income and high-income households, respectively. SEs of price and income elasticities were estimated using a bootstrap of 1000 replications.

  • Source: Own calculation; ***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.1.