Table 4

Individual manufacturers’ share of cigarettes bought by survey respondents

ManufacturerClassificationPrelockdown proportionDuring lockdown proportion (June 2020)
British American TobaccoMNC48.08.7
Japan Tobacco InternationalMNC15.34.1
Gold Leaf TobaccoNon-MNC (FITA)12.226.3
Philip Morris InternationalMNC11.54.4
CarnilinxNon-MNC (FITA)5.514.3
Pacific CigaretteNon-MNC1.97.9
Amalgamated TobaccoNon-MNC1.99.6
Best TobaccoNon-MNC (FITA)1.510.7
Afroberg TobaccoNon-MNC (FITA)0.53.4
ProtobacNon-MNC (FITA)0.40.4
FolhaNon-MNC (FITA)0.10.4
Smokey TreatsNon-MNC0.10.0
Mastermind TobaccoNon-MNC0.00.4
  • All individual responses are weighted by their declared consumption. The observations, weighted by consumption, for each category are n=345 992 (before ban) and n=242 541 (during ban).

  • FITA, member of the Fair-Trade Independent Tobacco Association at the time of the survey; MNC, multinational corporation.