Table 2

Predicted* estimates of average weekly total tobacco standardised unit sales, San Francisco and comparison cities, July 2015–December 2019

ProductStudy cityAverage weekly total tobacco unit salesPer cent change in average weekly sales pre-policy period compared with enforcement period
Pre-policy period
July 2015–July 2018
(160 weeks)
Effective period
July–December 2018
(24 weeks)
Enforcement period
January–December 2019
(52 weeks)
Total tobaccoSan Francisco113 191112 65784 97025
San Jose202 071198 894185 6798
San Diego206 382189 108170 76417
Total cigarettesSan Francisco83 42477 37064 22023
San Jose154 268143 858133 80913
San Diego158 081138 299122 73122
Total cigarsSan Francisco15 49616 488766551
San Jose32 67638 22633 1421
San Diego28 40428 22924 72013
Total SLTSan Francisco94359367591337
San Jose12 04910 96710 81610
San Diego15 40214 61914 8524
Total ENDSSan Francisco469089696772 44
San Jose286356417756 171
San Diego408575528084 98
  • Bold values indicate significance (p<0.05). Stata ‘margins’ were used to estimate the predicted values and ‘contrasts’ were used to test for differences in predicted values.

  • Models controlled for the US$2 increase in the California cigarette excise tax (April 2017) and for seasonality in all models except ENDS.

  • *Full regression results for each of these outcomes and study cities are available in online supplemental table 2.

  • ENDS, electronic nicotine delivery systems; SLT, smokeless tobacco.