Table 1

Predicted* estimates of average weekly flavoured tobacco standardised unit sales, San Francisco and comparison cities, July 2015–December 2019

ProductStudy cityAverage weekly flavoured unit salesPer cent change in average weekly sales pre-policy period compared with enforcement period
Pre-policy period
July 2015–July 2018
(160 weeks)
Effective period
July–December 2018
(24 weeks)
Enforcement period
January–December 2019
(52 weeks)
All flavoured tobacco products†San Francisco39 35034 960154696
San Jose68 85972 59468 244−1
San Diego75 01774 15367 20210
Menthol cigarettes‡San Francisco21 63415 98486096
San Jose42 26440 59337 77911
San Diego46 26441 50636 85420
Flavoured cigarsSan Francisco7806753633296
San Jose16 44419 85416 7622
San Diego14 75915 87012 89613
Flavoured SLTSan Francisco6469534516897
San Jose8179768979383
San Diego11 30911 00511 649 3
Flavoured ENDSSan Francisco3439590616100
San Jose193244055706 195
San Diego261056925701 118
  • Bold values indicate significance (p<0.05). Stata ‘margins’ were used to estimate the predicted values and ‘contrasts’ were used to test for differences in predicted values.

  • Models controlled for the US$2 increase in the California cigarette excise tax (April 2017) and for seasonality in all models except ENDS.

  • *Full regression results for each of these outcomes and study cities are available in online supplemental table 1.

  • †‘Flavoured’ includes menthol products.

  • ‡Menthol flavours are the only legal flavours for cigarettes in the USA.

  • ENDS, electronic nicotine delivery systems; SLT, smokeless tobacco.